BricsCAD DWG to universal SVG

A valuable step in documenting is using “Scalable Vector Graphic” images (SVG) as jaggy free alternative for bitmaps. Many programs like LibreOffice have excellent support for inclusion of SVG. This page describes possibilities and work arounds when using BricsCAD drawings as a source for creating SVG’s in Inkscape. Differences A first impression: reasonable export of … Read more

Index colours CAD

Black screens, white paper and colours. BricsCAD and AutoCAD rely on 255 indexed colours. Many people like to work with a black background. Staring at a white screen during a long working day is ‘less relaxing’ for the brain. So people draw yellow lines on a black screen and find out that they cannot be … Read more

AMD 9700X and DeskMini X600

THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION In four years, barriers have really been broken in terms of speed. Single Thread Performance towards double and Total Performance well above double. And all that in a tiny little box that fits easily into my rucksack. Say Goliath in the bottle, say PharlapIII. That happened in the range of … Read more

Video editing cheat sheet

A very comprehensive guide for video editing with Blender and additional packages… Use the TOC for navigating. Blender Jargon Procedures FFmpeg Compression Example:ffmpeg -i holly-day.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -crf 30 “holly day.mp4”or more general: ffmpeg -i IF -vcodec libx264 -crf 30 OF IF is Input File, OF is Output. For example holly-day.mp4 or “holly day.mp4”.-vcodec: Codec … Read more

GIS: afbeeldingen invoegen in BricsCAD en AutoCAD

BricsCAD snapt hoe je met geo-coördinaten om moet gaan maar vanilla-AutoCAD? Precies. Hierna volgen stappen die tot een oplossing bijdragen. Afbeeldingen in een CAD-programma invoegen is geen probleem. Als je met de meegeleverde metadata nog iets zinnigs doet dan voorkom je een hoop handmatig gehannes. Wat zijn die metadata? Feitelijk zijn het 6 waarden waarmee … Read more

Hard disk protection DIY

This is a minimalistic hard disk protection and it is easy to make. Ingredients: Use in combination with, for example, external USB SATA controllers. Cheap, very robust and excellent heat dissipation. Intermezzo The drawing is made with BricsCAD v22. For these purposes the drawing is exported as SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics. Post processing means in … Read more

Graphviz very short track

Met Graphviz kan je structuren visualiseren. Een zeer kort educatief voorbeeld als introductie voor het maken van illustraties. De mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos maar daardoor raak je ook gauw de weg kwijt. Daarom volgt hier een voorbeeld waar je altijd op terug kan vallen als de vraag “hoe zat het ook alweer” ontstaat. Het principe is … Read more

LibreOffice template bugs

LibreOffice is extremely strong at handling large documents combined with templates. In addition to the .odt format for text documents, there is the .odm format for master documents in which several .odt files can be linked to form one larger whole. All these documents are actually zip files that, unpacked, form a file structure. One … Read more

Geany vs Notepad++

Notepad++ on Linux? Forget it. So people working on different platforms need different programs. But times change and Geany has come of age and is now also available for Windows. Let’s see how you can achieve everyday things in both programs. The aim is not to be exhaustive but to list some important actions. Note: … Read more

Heer Max Verstappen Dendert Over Asfalt

We hebben het over rekenvolgorde, of beter bewerkingsvolgorde, zoals je die geleerd hebt op de middelbare school. “Meneer Van Dalen Wacht Op Antwoord” is uit de gratie en blijkbaar kent letterlijk niemand meer “Heer Van Dalen At Oliebollen” – tot mijn stomme verbazing. De huidige lagere school-regel Tegenwoordig zijn de ezelsbruggetjes: Welnu, meneer van Dalen … Read more

Commons Shapes Designation Standard

STATUS: DRAFT This standard defines a universal way to describe shapes. Internally (at NedCAD), a programme is used for profiles – yy.lsp. There is a valuable piece of standardisation attached to this, which is described below. Command YY is tinkered with from time to time – it is a lot of code. Hopefully it can … Read more

SMR hard disks: Avoid them!

Very slow performance made me wonder and so I got introduced to SMR technology. A warning is in place: Manufacturers don’t advertise SMR and if you buy a SMR drive, you’ll only be able to write data at frustratingly low speeds. Most normal computer users do not want SMR drives for that reason but since … Read more

Editing PC3, CTB, STB and PMP

This is a seed… Situation: Large organization where administrators need to create several PC3 files per PC and per profile because users can switch from PC to PC. For some reason just sharing the same PC3 file does not work. Oh boy, that is a frustrating job! Let’s try to solve it… Introduction What we … Read more

Linux on Lenovo ThinkPad P16s

This post describes a practical installation and is also a kind of review. A ThinkPad was deliberately chosen because the hardware is known to be pretty well supported in Linux. We’ll see… Summary Windows, preparation… Possibly I will need the pre-installed Windows version again, I will continue that installation and leave it as is . … Read more

NFS on Ubuntu

A very condensed post about setting up an example NFS server and client All actions as root. Configure the server 1 2 3 4 5 6 sudo su apt update apt install nfs-kernel-server systemctl start nfs-kernel-server.service mkdir -p /data/acme nano /etc/exportssudo su apt update apt install nfs-kernel-server systemctl start nfs-kernel-server.service mkdir -p … Read more

The Flit: Getting rid of Apple and MS fly shit

Apple and Microsoft drop fly shit on your harddisk. Files like Thumbs.db, Thumbs.db:encryptable and .DS_Store are pooped everywhere. Although well-intentioned, these files pollute your environment. You can hardly prevent their creation but you can eradicate them. My grandmother yelled: “Those damned mosquitoes”. She grabbed the “FLIT”, she sprayed in every corner of the bedroom where … Read more

AMD Pro 4650G workhorse: Meet PharLap

It is always hard to come up with a system with cutting edge components without the accompanying problems and showstoppers. So this page can help you (and me), I hope you like it. This is in particular true for Linux users where unsupported hardware can be a nasty disappointment. This page is pre published in … Read more

CAD Lisp and variables

A simple test on the command line… Write or paste the yellow stuff and try to understand. On the command line… What is it? (defun test ( / foobar) (setq foobar T)) DEfine a FUNction “test” that sets a variable “foobar” to T (True). No need to say you have to finish with an enter. … Read more

Applied Mathematics concerning CAD Faces

This page became really too long and so I decided to create a PDF booklet about the subject. Good news: you can just download and read it. This reference and textbook on vectors and coordinates focuses on mathematics and programming solutions. As an easy-to-read work, it forms a practical collection on CAD faces, vectors, angles, … Read more

Afplatten van regeloppervlakken tot uitslagen

Deze pagina biedt oplossingen en achtergrondinformatie over het maken van uitslagen of, meer specifiek, het afvlakken van een regeloppervlak – een “ruled surface”. Er zijn nogal wat toepassingen. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan uitslagen van een spiraalboor voor grondboren, hout- of metaalbeplating in de scheepsbouw en gebogen wanden en plafonds in de architectuur. Het doel is om … Read more

GHS-pictogrammen als SVG-download

Als je niet geïnteresseerd bent in de details, kan je hier de GHS-labels downloaden. De labels zijn omgezet van EPS naar SVG en kunnen daarom direct op webpagina’s of anders worden gebruikt. bevat de afbeeldingen. Dit is het bestand met alle variaties. Als DXF gewenst is, kunnen Inkscape SVG-bestanden eenvoudig worden opgeslagen als DXF-bestanden.Het … Read more

GHS pictograms as SVG download

If you are not interested in the details, you can download the GHS labels here. The labels have been converted from EPS to SVG and can therefore be used directly on web pages or different. contains the images. This is the file with all variations. If DXF is desired, Inkscape SVG files can easily … Read more

CAD-Lisp: configuration file syntax

There are plenty of ways to create configuration files. They all have pros and cons. What are the possibilities for CAD-Lisp? Choosing a configuration file syntax Win.ini is nice because of its simple structure. The downside is that it is limited, lacking array functionality for example. On the other side of the spectrum there is … Read more

The Linux BricsCAD pages, part 7: Publishing your drawings

Printing in Linux is very different, but not harder. In fact, scripting creates extra possibilities… THIS ARTICLE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. YOUR POSITIVE INPUT IS APPRECIATED. All related parts: 1: Introduction 2: Linux base install 3: More user software 4: Tuning Linux 5: Tuning your software 6: Getting BricsCAD working 7: Publishing your drawings PDF as … Read more

The Linux BricsCAD pages, part 4: Tuning Linux

Optimizing your Linux CAD environment. A proper work space means increased speed and optimized working pleasure… THIS ARTICLE IS ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. YOUR POSITIVE INPUT IS APPRECIATED. Updated for Xubuntu 22.04 LTS All related parts: 1: Introduction 2: Linux base install 3: More user software 4: Tuning Linux 5: Tuning your software 6: Getting BricsCAD … Read more

The Linux BricsCAD pages, part 2: Linux base install

So Xubuntu 22.04 it is. Ready to install? THIS ARTICLE IS ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. YOUR POSITIVE INPUT IS APPRECIATED. All related parts: 1: Introduction 2: Linux base install 3: More user software 4: Tuning Linux 5: Tuning your software 6: Getting BricsCAD working 7: Publishing your drawings Preparation You need partitions, free disk space. Assumed … Read more

CAD: An approach to mathematical curves for engineering, part 0, just hackish.

Part 0: Drawing mathematical functions in BricsCAD and AutoCAD. Calculating x and y values with a spreadsheet and drawing the curve in BricsCAD (and AutoCAD, ZWCAD). Post-processing: smoothing and exporting as SVG for LibreOffice, PDF. This is a series about creating mathematical curves in BricsCAD (and AutoCAD).Part 0, just hackish with a spreadsheet, result driven.Part … Read more

CAD: An approach to mathematical curves for engineering, part 2, the coding.

This is a series about creating mathematical curves in BricsCAD (and AutoCAD).Part 0, just hackish with a spreadsheet, result driven.Part 1, the math, understanding ways to iterate.Part 2, the coding, techniques available. THIS ARTICLE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. YOUR POSITIVE INPUT IS APPRECIATED. In part 1 the mathematics are explained. It turns out to be a … Read more

The Jargon File – The New Hackers Dictionary

(Or: The New Hackers Dictionary as PDF) “The Jargon File” or “The New Hackers Dictionary” has become cultural heritage. The file is public domain and therefore just free to use. The current jargon site regularly suffers from “web-rot”. Where to find it? and are fixed beacons, but less convenient to use than a … Read more

How to change LibreOffice Writer Templates

A “template changer” existed for OpenOffice and LibreOffice. This was incompatible for some time and therefore did not work. In fact, each document is a zip file containing numerous xml files, which contain the location of the template used. The template contains the house style and if you change the template, all the documents change … Read more

CAD: An approach to mathematical curves for engineering, part 1, the math.

This is a series about creating mathematical curves in BricsCAD (and AutoCAD).Part 0, just hackish with a spreadsheet, result driven.Part 1, the math, understanding ways to iterate.Part 2, the coding, techniques available. THIS ARTICLE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. YOUR POSITIVE INPUT IS APPRECIATED. Introduction Mechanical engineers sometimes need mathematical curves. For example: A satellite dish is … Read more

CAD: Insert and units

You add an external drawing and suddenly the scale is no longer correct. It is a problem that everyone sometimes encounters. How do you solve that? This article explains the consequences of various unit settings. Do you draw in inches? Or mm? Or unitless? And how are “INSUNITS”, “INSUNITSDEFSOURCE” and “INSUNITSDEFTARGET” set? Do you find … Read more

CAD: Invoegen en eenheden

Je voegt een externe tekening toe en ineens klopt de schaal niet meer. Het is een probleem waar iedereen weleens tegenaan loopt. Hoe los je dat op? In dit artikel wordt uitgelegd wat de gevolgen zijn van diverse instellingen van eenheden. Teken je in inches? Of mm? Of eenheidsloos? En hoe staan “INSUNITS”, “INSUNITSDEFSOURCE” en … Read more

CAD: Vorm- en plaatstoleranties

(Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing) Dit is WORK IN PROGRESS, reacties, tips, commentaar zijn uiterst welkom! Introductie Toleranties aangeven is een ware kunst. Je moet goed nadenken over wat acceptabele waarden zijn en waar je de toleranties plaatst. Immers, te kleine toleranties zijn prijsverhogend, te grote of verkeerde toleranties leveren productie- en gebruiksproblemen op. Deel twee … Read more

Documenteren: Bibliotheken van CAD naar PDF- en HTML-publicaties

Het extraheren van illustraties uit CAD-bestanden voor documentatie is voor de hand liggend. Organisaties kunnen dit slim en goedkoop doen door XML te gebruiken. Het oorspronkelijke artikel staat hier: Automatische vertaling… Automatische vertaling…

Documenting: Libraries from CAD to PDF and HTML Publications

Extracting illustrations from CAD files for documentation is obvious. Organizations can do this smart and inexpensive by using XML. However, little can be found on the net about this. It is time for an example. For understanding the value for your organization, for learning and or for direct use. Part I: What we are going … Read more