A “template changer” existed for OpenOffice and LibreOffice. This was incompatible for some time and therefore did not work. In fact, each document is a zip file containing numerous xml files, which contain the location of the template used.
The template contains the house style and if you change the template, all the documents change with it. The fact that a document is linked to a template is a hugely powerful feature of LibreOffice. Templates have the extension .ott.
Using master documents (.odm) in the process creates an enormously beautiful environment for building large documents.
This places LibreOffice above LaTeX in terms of usability and above MS Word in terms of stability of large documents.
For business use in maintaining technical documentation, large manuals, I got stuck and had to find a solution to be able to link templates to .odm and .odt files.
Meanwhile, there is another TemplateChanger available that is a bit friendlier for most users than the shell script below. However, the script has proven itself for many years.
Without tools, it is not possible to attach templates to documents from the user interface. This sounds a bit crazy and yes, it could be considered a bug.
It has been tested on Linux but should also work with Cygwin on Windows. OS-X should work with minor changes, such as that the date function in Unix does not need an @ sign.

The underlying idea is that you have documentation projects where both the documents and the templates are in the same directory. If that is the case with you, then this script can help you.
You can paste the following to a text file called “cht.sh”, give it executable rights, put it in your documentation directory, and start attaching templates to your documents.
Hope you like it!
Update 2018-11-19: Now both ODT and ODM files are supported.
Update 2023: Repaginating bug is solved and information is removed from this page.
Update 2023: Apparently a working extension is back.
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